In August of 2014, I took my first visit to Yellowstone National Park - armed with my first-ever DSLR, a full-frame Nikon D610. Over three days, I took more than 700 images. I shot the famous Moulton Barns. I shot waterfalls and geysers. I shot dozens of photos of the park's Bison. But only in one shot, did I manage a perfectly framed and focused shot of an adult bull American Bison with his tongue sticking out. This - my favorite photo from that trip.
Bison I - copyright 2014
Image Dimensions: 19" X 27" image on 24" X 28" Paper. Ink Jet Media on Canson Baryta Prestige
Edition Size: 500
Current Price: $174.00
(not incl. tax + shipping)
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